Rīga Council Proposes Sweeping Restrictions on Gambling in the City

Plans have been made by the Rīga City Council to implement stringent laws that would all but ban gambling in the capital of Latvia. Aiming to specify precise locations where gaming operations will be prohibited, the new regulations are currently under construction.

The Rīga The city’s main goal is to make Rīga a gambling-free area, Mayor Vilnis Ķirsis revealed during a recent press conference. However, gaming is not completely prohibited by the idea. It limits it to a few specific locations within the city instead. Rīga’s spatial plan states that gaming will not be allowed on municipal lands, in neighborhood centers, or close to cultural sites and the areas that safeguard them.

Industry Reactions,Concerns Over Illegal Gambling

Juris Celmārs, Chairman of Olympic Casino Latvia Ltd., voiced concerns over the potential consequences of these restrictions. He believes the regulations could foster the growth of unregulated, illegal gambling venues. These establishments would not contribute tax revenue to the city and could undermine efforts to regulate the industry effectively. “By preventing a legal and strictly supervised industry from operating, illegal places will begin to satisfy consumer demand,” said Celmārs.

The Latvian Interactive Gambling Association (LIAB) has also expressed its concerns, stating that the decisions need to be fair and legal. “As a result, the industry’s losses and legal expenses may have to be compensated from the city budget,” LIAB representatives warned. They mentioned that the legal battles over these decisions could result in significant costs for the municipality.

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