Georgia Considers Resolution for Legal Sports Betting and Casino Gambling

By passing Senate Resolution 131, Georgia lawmakers are considering legalizing casino and sports betting. The initiative seeks to modify the state Constitution in order to allow for more gaming.

According to SR 131, which was recently examined by the Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee, the General Assembly would be able to control and manage casino and sports betting in Georgia. The resolution would also make it possible to tax and regulate these kinds of operations.

According to SR 131, the General Assembly will also be in charge of deciding how to divide the money made from gaming. It would also cover other relevant topics, such as how the change would be submitted for approval or disapproval.

The resolution has been introduced by Georgia Senators Carden Summers, Billy Hickman, Brandon Beach, and Lee Anderson. However, as of now, no vote has been called, though the document has been referred to the Senate Committee.

Similar Moves in Other States

In the meantime, efforts to increase gaming are also being made in other states. Two ideas were recently adopted by the House Public Policy Committee in Indiana. One would allow the Hoosier Lottery to sell tickets online and legalize online gaming, while the other would allow electronic pull tab devices to be operated by veterans’ organizations, bars, and charitable organizations.

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This is the second year in a row that legislation allowing mobile sports betting has been approved by the Mississippi House. With a resounding 88-10 vote, the bill—a modification of the Mississippi Mobile Sports Wagering Act—passed.

Georgia’s decision may have a big impact on the state’s economy and gaming sector as gambling regulations change across the United States.

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