Games Global Spreads Holiday Cheer with Charitable Acts Across Europe

This holiday season, Games Global has exemplified generosity by mobilizing several of its European offices to give back to those in need. The company’s offices in Gibraltar, Estonia, and the Isle of Man made a significant impact, delivering gifts and support to various charitable organizations.

Gifts for Gibraltarian Families and Estonian Children

In Gibraltar, the Games Global team worked with The EV Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting families facing financial challenges. The foundation provides services such as home refurbishments, food packages, and employment assistance. As part of its charitable initiative, Games Global contributed gifts for children, ensuring that families in need had a brighter holiday season.

Meanwhile, in Estonia, the team reached out to the Tallinn Large Families Club, where they provided gifts and support to children. These thoughtful gestures are a part of the company’s ongoing commitment to spreading festive cheer. A spokesperson for Games Global expressed gratitude, saying, “From Gibraltar to Tallinn and the Isle of Man, our teams have been spreading festive cheer far and wide. A massive shout-out to our Globalites for turning generosity into action this festive season. You’re the gift that keeps on giving!”

On the Isle of Man, Games Global continued its charitable efforts by supporting the Chamber of Commerce’s Christmas Campaign. The company assisted five local charities, including Manx Children’s Charity, A Little Piece of Hope, Isle of Man Live at Home Schemes, Southern Befrienders, St Christopher’s Fellowship, and Cruse Bereavement Support. These organizations focus on a range of causes, from helping vulnerable children to addressing social isolation among the elderly.

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