Azamat Lamkov Wins $1 Million in Mediterranean Poker Party Main Event

Azamat Lamkov turned a second chance into a $1,000,000 victory at the 2024 Mediterranean Poker Party $5,300 no-limit hold’em event. After failing in his first attempt via an online satellite, he secured another seat through a live satellite at the Merit Diamond Hotel. This time, Lamkov made it count, eventually making it to be crowned the champion of the event.

The tournament, which promised a $5,000,000 guarantee, saw an impressive 1,260 entries, pushing the final prize pool to $6,048,000. The top 192 players shared the prize money, with the final eight receiving six-figure payouts.

Among the notable participants were World Poker Tour champion Matas Cimbolas, who finished 28th, bracelet winner Alex Keating in 25th place, 2022 WPT Prime Championship winner Stephen Song in 14th, and recent European Poker Tour Paris high roller winner Oliver Weis, who finished 10th.

In the heads-up showdown, Lamkov started with a slight chip advantage, holding 194,000,000 chips to Kirill Shcherbakov’s 184,000,000. Lamkov quickly increased his lead with a significant early win, leaving him with a 4:1 chip lead. In the final hand, Lamkov, holding Q♦2♦, limped in from the button. Shcherbakov, with J♥8♠, checked. The flop revealed J♦10♦2♠, giving Shcherbakov top pair. Lamkov bet 4,000,000, and Shcherbakov responded with a check-raise to 12,000,000. Lamkov then went all-in, and Shcherbakov called with his remaining 47,000,000 chips. The turn brought the 3♠, keeping Shcherbakov in the lead. However, the 8♦ on the river completed Lamkov’s flush, securing his victory. Shcherbakov finished as the runner-up, earning $680,000.

Final Table Results

Result Player Prize
1 Azamat Lamkov $1,000,000
2 Kirill Shcherbakov $680,000
3 Leon Sturm $440,000
4 Yuriy Suvorov $320,000
5 Birger Larsen $225,000
6 Mihai Niste $170,000
7 Gamir Gabdullin $125,000
8 Assyl Tleuzhanov $100,000
9 Yuhang Chen $78,300

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