MGA Prolongs ESG Reporting Registration Period

The sign-up time for ESG reporting under the Voluntary ESG Code of Good Practice for the Remote Gaming Sector in Malta has been extended by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) in response to a surge in interest that occurred beyond the initial deadlines.

The Code is a customized framework that was created with the intention of increasing openness and encouraging ESG reporting in the remote gaming industry. This Code provides remote gaming companies with a strategic plan to adopt industry-leading practices, including 19 ESG topics across the Environmental, Social, and Governance sectors.

New Opportunity for Participation

Interested parties now have until Friday, June 21, 2024, to complete the registration procedure and confirm their participation in this effort. Licensees won’t be able to submit ESG reports for the reporting period of January through December 2023 if they don’t register.

MGA licensees are highly encouraged to register, demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and their role in promoting the industry’s ESG standards, even if participation in ESG reporting is still optional.

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