Australian Poker Open Main Event: Winner Hasan Onay Takes Home A$284,480

Hasan “Huss” Onay won the Australian Poker Open Main Event, making a deal with Higor Seibel from Brazil during the final round. The event attracted 549 players and was held at Doltone House Western Sydney at Club Marconi. Onay went home with A$284,480 and the title, while Seibel earned A$255,520 for his strong performance.

Onay, known for his success in Hustler Casino Live games, had a big lead in chips when he faced Seibel head-to-head. After his win, Onay mentioned he might switch from playing cash games to focusing more on tournament play. “It was mentioned over the last couple of days, but I might retire from cash games and start taking up tournaments!” he said, excited by his win and considering a new direction in poker.

He also praised the event organizers for their hard work and expressed how happy he was to win. “It’s really special for me. I know the organizers have put in heaps of effort, and it feels awesome to win it and be part of the team with them,” Onay commented.

This first Australian Poker Open Main Event was a big hit, setting a high standard for future tournaments and highlighting Onay’s impressive skills and potential new focus on tournament poker.

Final Table Results

Result Player Prize (AUD)
1 Hasan Onay $284,480 (deal was made)
2 Higor Seibel $255,520 (deal was made)
3 Lauchlan Swann $120,000
4 Georgina Vuksanovic $90,000
5 Daniel Tolomeo $66,000
6 Toby Giles $51,000
7 Michael Sleiman $43,000
8 Adi Dahari $34,500
9 Marc Seymour $27,900

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