WPT Rolling Thunder Championship Goes to Casey Sandretto for $246,600

Casey Sandretto secured the top spot at the World Poker Tour (WPT) Rolling Thunder Championship on a Tuesday, walking away with $246,600. This win was particularly special as it came after a final showdown with Michael Kinney, who won the WPT Reno Hilton championship back in 2004. For Sandretto, this was only his second appearance in a WPT event, both times choosing the WPT Rolling Thunder for his participation.

Expressing his feelings about the win, Sandretto couldn’t contain his joy. “It feels amazing,” he stated, reflecting on his relatively new experience with WPT events, having only played at the WPT Rolling Thunder in the past two years. This victory not only marked his first title at a WPT event but he also increased his live tournament earnings, previously at $161,000, effectively doubling his financial success in the poker world.

Sandretto also praised the Thunder Valley Casino, the venue for the championship, for its excellent management of poker tournaments, deeming it the top location in the country for such events. With this win boosting his financial resources, Sandretto is looking forward to participating in a broader array of poker competitions. He shared his enthusiasm for adding more variety to his game, particularly focusing on non-hold’em events, with the aim of expanding his achievements in the poker scene. “I definitely will mix in some more events, I will mix in some more non-hold’em events this year to try to get a bracelet now that I got a WPT championship to my name,” he remarked, outlining his future plans in the poker tournament circuit.

Final Table Result

Result Player Prize
1 Casey Sandretto $246,600 (including a seat to 2024 WPT World Championship)
2 Michael Kinney $235,000
3 Travis Egbert $140,000
4 Yunkyu Song $105,000
5 Cody Wiegmann $78,000
6 Brock Wilson $60,000

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