Roman Hrabec Wins Triton Super High Roller Series Jeju Main Event for $4.33M

At the 2024 Triton Super High Roller Series in Jeju, South Korea, Czech poker professional Roman Hrabec achieved an extraordinary victory, taking home $4.3 million from the $100,000 buy-in main event. The tournament drew an unprecedented 216 players, making it the largest of its kind in poker’s history. Hrabec, with this win, massively increased his career earnings to over $9.4 million, placing him second in earnings among his compatriots.

Reflecting on his triumph, Hrabec expressed his amazement to Triton reporters, “I will say, it feels quite amazing. Is that real money? Yeah, that feels pretty good.”

The event, hosted at the Landing Casino Jeju, saw Hrabec outplay a final table of formidable opponents, including Jean Noel Thorel, Matthias Eibinger, Elton Tsang, and Patrik Antonius.

Antonius, starting the final table with a short stack, had a good run until his all-in pre-flop with pocket Queens against Hrabec’s pocket Jacks got outflopped, resulting in his fourth-place finish.

Elton Tsang, who had recently secured a $4.2 million payday in the $150K event, came incredibly close to clinching the two largest buy-ins of the series. He navigated his short stack with great skill, outlasting others to finish third when his AT clashed with Jean-Noel Thorel’s AQ.

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Heads-up play against Jean-Norel Thorel began with Hrabec holding a 5:2 chip lead over his opponent.  It did not take long until the winner was decided. Just a few hands in it was Thorel who somewhat optimistically chose the wrong spot to pressure the chipleader. The last hand of the tournament was played out as follows:

Hrabec reraised to 6.5 million with KsKc from the big blind after Thorel had raised holding Qc4c. Thorel called the reraise, and the flop showed Js9d3c. Hrabec continued with a bet of 3.5 million, which Thorel called. The turn brought the Kh, giving Hrabec a set of kings. He checked, after which Thorel checked as well. When the river card 8c was dealt a blank for Thorel, he decided to push all-in for his remaining chips. Of course this was a perfect trap and Hrabec called immediately, securing his win in the Jeju Main Event.

Final Table Results

Result Player Prize
1 Roman Hrabec $4,330,000
2 Jean Noel Thorel $2,875,000
3 Elton Tsang $2,105,000
4 Patrik Antonius $1,697,000
5 Matthias Eibinger $1,330,000
6 Fahredin Mustafov $1,008,000
7 Igor Yaroshevskyy $739,000
8 Chris Brewer $543,000
9 Alex Kulev $451,000

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