Kindred Group Collaborates with Swedish Operators to Tackle Problem Gambling

In autumn 2022, Kindred Group (Kindred) forged a partnership with Swedish operators ATG and Svenska Spel. This collaboration was established with the objective of collectively releasing essential metrics related to their interactions with Swedish customers exhibiting signs of problematic gambling behaviors. The overarching goal is to raise public awareness and foster a fact-based discourse regarding efforts to mitigate gambling harm.

Every six months, the trio reports key metrics to the Swedish Gambling Authority. These metrics encompass various parameters, including the percentage of customers contacted due to problematic gambling, the effectiveness of proactive engagements, the average reduction in gambling activities among contacted individuals, and the proportion of customers opting for self-exclusion from gambling and gambling revenue within different time frames.

Promoting Transparency and Trust

The rationale behind transparent reporting of these metrics is to facilitate comprehension among Swedish stakeholders regarding the strategies employed by the operators to combat harmful gambling tendencies. By leveraging regulatory measures, technological advancements, research insights, and personalized interventions, the operators aim to create a safer gambling environment. A transparent and evidence-based dialogue not only enhances trust within the industry but also encourages other operators to emulate such initiatives.

A comparative analysis of Kindred’s latest report for the second half of 2023 with the preceding report reveals encouraging trends. Specifically, the percentage of contacted customers who reduced their gambling as a result of proactive interventions has witnessed a notable increase, rising to 78.19% compared to 75.09% reported in the first half of 2023.

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