Kim Wins Big in WSOPC London £1,100 Main Event, £3,300 Main Event is Underway

The WSOP Circuit London first £1,100 Main Event ended with a big win. Kim Ji Woon from South Korea took the top prize and his first WSOP ring. He faced Jeremias Mendoza at the end, but it was Kim’s game.

Before their last match, Woon and Mendoza agreed on a deal. They both made sure they’d get £117,000 from the prize. Then, they played for the leftover £26,000 and the winner’s title.

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At the decisive point in the heads up, both players put all their chips in with a Q-J-T on the table. Woon had better cards with ten-nine against Mendoza’s king-seven. The next cards didn’t change much, and Woon won.

The first big game of the series had 1,018 players. They hoped to get to £1 million in total prizes, but it was just a bit short with £987,460.

The whole series has a big prize of £7 million up for grabs. A lot of that is in the WSOP Super Circuit £3,300 Main Event, which is still going on.

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Final Table Results WSOPC London £1,100 Main Event

Result Player Country Prize
1 Kim Ji Woon South Korea £143,000
2 Jeremias Mendoza Argentina £117,000
3 Pawel Kabut Poland £63,060
4 Eric Le Goff United Kingdom £40,000
5 Gianluca Speranza Italy £27,000
6 Kevin Gu Unknown £20,000
7 Gaspar Neuman Argentina £15,000
8 Alex Andrei Romania £12,000
9 Ashley Locker United Kingdom £10,000

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