Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr., the director of the Philippine National Police (PNP), has declared harsh measures to combat illegal gaming and has taken a hard stance against it. Any senior police officers who don’t do enough to stop and outlaw unlawful gambling may risk administrative repercussions, including being fired from their jobs. The PNP has stepped up its crackdown as part of its commitment to a zero-tolerance policy, leaving no place for concessions in the fight against the threat of illegal gaming.
The One-Strike Policy for Combating Illegal Gambling
The PNP has instituted a severe “one-strike and no-take policy” to combat illegal gambling, as instructed by Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr. With this regulation, police officers will be held responsible for any carelessness or inaction in stopping illegal gambling within their purview. Those found to have fallen short in their attempts to outlaw gambling will be subject to swift administrative action, which may include removal from their posts and prosecution under the doctrine of command responsibility.
A zero-tolerance policy
Gen. Acorda emphasizes the necessity of stepping up the fight against illegal gaming in order to protect Filipinos’ wellbeing. The partnership between the PNP and the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) strengthens the will to outlaw all types of illegal gambling that take advantage of weaker segments of society. The authorities are working to end this threat and make the community safer by deploying the necessary resources and taking strict action.
PNP and PCSO Work Together in Joint Efforts
The PNP and PCSO’s partnership is a significant development in the fight against illegal gambling. Both organizations are combining their resources, knowledge, and talents to more effectively combat illegal gambling practices. Through their cooperation, they will be able to make the most of their individual advantages and put elaborate plans into action to successfully take on the underground gaming networks.
The Need for Speedy Repercussions
The “one-strike and no-take policy” is a reflection of the PNP’s will to treat illegal gaming seriously. The PNP makes it quite apparent that it will not tolerate the existence of illegal gaming activities by enforcing fast penalties against irresponsible or inactive police officers. This strategy attempts to establish a potent deterrence and guarantee that every level of the police force is actively involved in destroying the illegal gaming industry.
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