The Growing Speed of Indie-Led Crypto iGaming

Getting started in the world of iGaming was once an expensive and complicated pursuit. The required technological knowledge to get started was immense, meaning an entrepreneur needed a huge dedicated team and the money with which to pay them. While getting started still requires serious intent and a clarity of vision, new tools, better technology, and a more open ecosystem have lowered barriers to entry like never before. Combined with the cryptocurrencies, which have long found their base in forward-thinking individuals, we’re entering a new golden age of indie developers driving the crypto iGaming space.

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Opening Doors

As anyone who has followed Bitcoin or any other crypto knows, the entire market has always involved newcomers willing to try something new. It’s a willingness to push forward and experiment with new ideas that led Bitcoin into the international phenomenon that it became. This willingness to try also evolves every other aspect of the crypto world, with newcomers continually trying radical and unprecedented approaches.

Traditional iGaming experiences weren’t based on this concept, as they were once so expensive to start that many newcomers missed out. This has changed today, however, thanks to the arrival of businesses that streamline iGaming creation programs. A software development company for iGaming in the modern day can do an enormous amount of heavy work, making it easier for new names to achieve their creative goals. These systems essentially act as frameworks, through which the details can be guided, slotted in, and placed exactly how the developer wants.

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Rather than being locked off to newcomers without the means to go older routes, new iGaming developments like these have created an influx where good ideas can shine.

Proven Systems, Better Understanding

Whether looking at crypto, iGaming, or software development in general, the two driving forces can generally be narrowed down to accessibility and improving technical knowledge in the general population. Both of these elements are evolving as we push further into the digital generation, and both are poised to accelerate as time goes on.

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The evolution and expansion of technological prowess have expanded as a natural result of the growing reliance on tech systems. This reliance has done more than require us to get involved, it’s contributed to an entirely new culture of technological enthusiasts across both the development and user front. From what was once a time when getting involved with the digital world was optional, computer and online systems are now standard, they’re unavoidable, we’re more accustomed to them, and we’re more eager to get involved than ever. Whether working, watching, reading, or playing, digital avenues have exploded in popularity, often usurping older systems in the process. Newcomers growing up in this environment makes them less technophobic, so each new year introduces more people willing to broaden their horizons.

Software providers then play their part in offering improved tools to developers of all different skill levels. Crypto development, iGaming platforms, and practically every other digital system are much easier to get started in thanks to tool evolution. What used to be impossible for a newcomer to understand a decade ago can now be achieved to a high level of quality in just a few days, and we’re not done yet.

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The most recent big shakeups in the world of software have come from AI. New generative AI systems like ChatGPT are improving with astonishing speed, and are now capable of mastering tests formerly the domain of humans. As assistants, these further aid in learning, helping reduce reliance on hiring outsiders to understand specifics or explain bugs.

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It was always expected that the 2020s would be the biggest decade yet for technological evolution, but few predicted just how far this decade would go. Just a few years in, markets like iGaming and crypto have undergone significant growth, with newcomers and new ideas playing a key part. The future is increasingly indie, where merit more than starting means is more important than ever. For users and new developers, the new few years are poised to be some of the most exciting yet.

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