Shortage of Casino Workers in Macau Ahead of Chinese New Year

Troubles for Macau casinos ahead of Chinese New Year on Sunday January 22. According to one of the employees’ representatives, casino workers in Macau may have to work overtime this month due to growing consumer demand following a three-year quiet due to COVID-19, during which some gaming personnel obtained promotions in other departments.

There are not enough people to cover all essential roles just in time for the Chinese New Year due to advancement of existing personnel.

Following the relaxation of COVID restrictions in early January, Macau anticipates daily tourist numbers to reach a peak of 60,000 just in time for Chinese New Year.

Looking at the potential for increased workload during the Chinese New Year, Lei lok Po, the director of the Power of Macau Gaming Working Group, said that to their knowledge, staff from some of the Cotai resorts – such as Galaxy Macau and Venetian Macao – have already been instructed to be ready for overtime shifts during the period.

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