AstroPay Launches New Money Transfer Feature

AstroPay has launched a new in-app feature named “Transfer” which enables users to transfer money to even those contacts who don’t have an existing AstroPay account as long as they are in the same country.

Available in over 150 countries, this new functionality makes transferring money between digital wallets even easier and is commission free. A user can select a contact from the AstroPay App and if that recipient doesn’t have an existing account, they will simply receive a code by text message and have an account created, linked to their telephone number, so they can withdraw the money. If they already have an account, then they will receive a link either via WhatsApp or another channel and can click on it to accept the money within 24 hours.

Mikael Lijtenstein, CEO of AstroPay, said:

“We are thrilled to have launched this new feature as the need for transferring money digitally continues to soar. It is a testament of our continued commitment to innovate and introduce new features to enhance our offering.

The response we have received thus far has been very encouraging and we look forward to seeing how Transfer continues to support our users.”

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