GamCare Supported #HearHer Campaign

Gambling addiction and domestic abuse often have profound effects on a person’s mental and physical well being leading to stress, depression, and anxiety. Due to the Covid pandemic, the results have been much worse due to financial distress and lack of communication with family and friends. GamCare’s report on ‘National Gambling Helpline During Lockdown’ recently noticed that there has been a severe rise in the report of domestic abuse from callers affected by some family members’ gambling addiction. It rose to 6% in 2020-21 from 4% in 2019-20.

What Is GamCare?

GamCare is a UK-based independent organization for a charity that was formed for supporting problem gambling. Established in 1997, the organization acts as the foremost provider of support, advice, and information for punters who seek assistance due to gambling addiction. GamCare not only operates within Great Britain but also reaches across Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland. GamCare initiates a number of campaigns for gambling addicted people. Some popular programs include the Women Programme, Youth Outreach Programme, Financial Harm programs, etc. which aspire at making people aware of all the atrocious effects of gambling.

The team of GamCare works efficiently and round the clock through the National Gambling Helpline. They also offer live chat options, face-to-face communication, and telephonic conversations. Punters may also reach out for help via GamCare Chat rooms and online forums.

Need For The Campaign

Reports for domestic abuse from women calling the helpline highlighted certain trends :

  • Domestic abuse concerns had risen abruptly in 2020-21
  • Among all the callers who reported domestic abuse, 80% were affected due to gambling tendencies
  • The number of women callers reporting this issue had risen to 35% in 2020 from 32% in 2019

Thus, links between domestic abuse and gambling addiction were a cause of concern since punters are more likely to act aggressively and violently towards their partners. Also, gambling could act as a coping mechanism for people facing domestic abuse. Recently, CasinoGap researched credit card casinos and found that it may influence on some toxic activity at home. GamCare aims at providing safe gambling and ensures that all its professionals have adequate knowledge about the signs, impacts, consequences, and symptoms of compulsive gambling to be able to identify it. They also interact in a sensitive, non-judgemental manner. GamCare always keeps a foot forward for launching awareness programs in order to support the punters.

GamCare’s Efforts To Cope With Domestic Abuse

GamCare has launched a dedicated program for Women and has been working globally to engage organizations in supporting the cause. Women who have been facing abuse due to gambling harms are of prime concern and have been provided with vital support and online training to cope with the issue.

Through the campaign, GamCare has challenged people to think about how economic abuse and coercive control correlate with gambling harms. It encourages people to practice an improvement within themselves to bring about a significant impact in providing others to survive this issue with thorough tailored support. The National Gambling Helpline 0808 80 20 133  is available 24*7 to help the victims. Advisers listen to the issue and talk you through all the available options for support.

#HearHer Global Campaign

Gamcare has been supporting the #HearHer Global campaign to eliminate gender-based violence against females. The campaign which was launched on 25th November by Women’s Aid called on multiple other similar charities to promote 16 days of activism against female domestic abuse.

On 10th December 2021, Women’s Aid vowed for its partners to continue supporting the directive of the campaign’s headline. It helps victims of gender violence and listens to the trauma and experiences of the survivors.

GamCare is the leading provider of treatment support for gambling addiction harms in the UK and has pledged its support for the #HearHer Campaign and some other projects to keep women safe. Its frontline teams recently noticed a major increase in the number of callers reporting domestic abuse since the beginning of the pandemic lockdown.

The charity had earlier highlighted the consequences of domestic abuse due to gambling disorders on a person’s life. 2020 marked the beginning of #HearHer to provide dedicated and fruitful support services for victims. The program’s support escalated when GamCare collaborated with other domestic and gender abuse organizations like Make a change Project, Respect, and Women’s Aid.


Domestic abuse leading to a severe gambling addiction can definitely take a toll on the mental health of a woman. The majority of domestic abuse victims are women. According to the Office of National Statistics, around 7.9% of women suffered from domestic abuse in 2018 in Wales and England as compared to about 4.2% of men.

It can leave behind a devastating and all-consuming impact on social relationships and personal well-being. GamCare and the #HearHer campaign encourage such victims to fight through the gambling temptation to gain control over their own lives. GamCare continuously monitors service quality and all volunteers and employees believe in constant improvements.

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